Gary L. Shockey, PC
951 Werner Court, Suite 340
Casper, WY 82601
United States
If you suffered injuries due to someone else’s negligence and have evidence to prove it, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your damages. To get this compensation, you need to file a claim with the at-fault party’s car, homeowners, or other liability insurance provider. For assistance with your claim, contact a Casper personal injury lawyer at Gary L. Shockey, PC today.
Several different types of accidents may warrant filing personal injury claims. These most commonly include:
The key to receiving compensation to cover your damages is proving the other party acted negligently and it caused your injuries. There are four requirements you must meet to achieve this, including:
A Casper personal injury attorney can help claimants collect the best evidence to prove fault in personal injury claims. Commonly, this may include witness accounts of the event, medical records, pictures of the scene, and police reports or other documents filed by law enforcement.
Wyoming law places no caps on the amount of compensation personal injury victims can recover. Possible recoverable damages include:
Wyoming law sets a four-year statute of limitations on most personal injury claims. This means that you must settle your claim or file a lawsuit within four years of the date of your accident.
Once you file a claim, the insurer assigns an adjuster or team of adjusters to your case. The company tasks them with investigating your claim and determining if there is proof to support your demand for compensation.
Do not talk to the adjuster without first consulting a Casper injury lawyer. If you choose to go against this advice, it is important to give only basic facts of the case available through police reports or other evidence. Any other statements may hurt your chance of getting the compensation you deserve.
Also, be sure to continue with your medical care during the claims process, paying medical bills with your health insurance or your own car insurance policy. The Wyoming injury attorneys recommend you do this as the adjuster will use any lapse of medical care against your claim.
If the insurance company does not agree to a fair settlement, your attorney may recommend litigation. In the time leading up to the court date, negotiations will continue; if unable to reach a pre-trial settlement, your case may go to trial at a Wyoming District Court or Circuit Court.
Primerus attorneys represent the victims of personal injury accidents in Wyoming. If you suffered injuries due to the negligence of another person or a business, a Casper personal injury attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact Gary L. Shockey, PC today to schedule a free initial consultation.