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Casper Truck Accident Lawyer

According to, compared to all other states, drivers in Wyoming have the second highest risk of dying in a truck accident. Even if a truck accident does not lead to a fatality, serious and lasting injuries are common. These injuries often lead to high medical bills, time out of work to recover, and pain and suffering. You may be able to file a claim or lawsuit if you can prove someone else’s negligence caused the accident. For help, contact a Casper truck accident lawyer at Gary L. Shockey, PC today.

Because of the massive weight of commercial tractor-trailers, truck accidents often lead to devastating injuries for other motorists involved. These serious injuries and the potential for different liable parties make truck accident claims very complex.

Even if the truck driver was obviously the negligent party, victims often file claims against the trucking company. This is because employers are responsible for their employees’ actions under the doctrine of vicarious liability.

Depending on the cause of the wreck, liability could also fall to other parties. If a maintenance issue caused the wreck, the maintenance company could share responsibility. Manufacturers may also be liable if a defective part played a role.

Proving Liability

Proving liability in a truck accident case may require a long list of evidence, much of which is in the possession of the trucking company. Possible proof you should gather includes:

  • Police reports
  • Witness testimony
  • Video of the accident, photos of the scene
  • Driver logs
  • Drug and alcohol test results
  • Maintenance records

Once you identify the liable parties, you must prove negligence to recover compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Proving negligence requires showing:

  • The liable party owed the claimant/plaintiff a duty of care.
  • The liable party did not adhere to this duty (was negligent), such as by violating Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
  • This negligence caused your injuries.
  • The accident and your injuries caused damages.

Experienced Casper Trucking Accident Lawyer

After a truck accident injury, it is important to contact a Casper truck accident lawyer as soon as possible because evidence collection in these cases is different from typical car accident cases. In a truck accident case, your Wyoming truck accident attorney needs to send a spoliation letter to preserve evidence. This is necessary because the law only requires trucking companies to keep documents for a certain period of time (e.g., six or 12 months) before they can destroy them.

Most truck accident cases begin by filing an insurance claim with the trucking company’s insurance policy. This will launch an investigation into your claim, headed by an insurance adjuster. A Casper trucking accident lawyer will manage all communications with the insurer, so you do not have to. If an adjuster calls you, refer him or her to us; do not provide a statement the insurer may use against you later.

If you cannot settle on an adequate amount with the insurer, you have the option to file a lawsuit. Your attorney will continue negotiations before trial, but t if the insurer stays firm, your case may go in front of a judge at a Wyoming Circuit or District Court.

Note: To be eligible to receive compensation, you must settle your claim or file your lawsuit within four years of the date of the accident.

Speak with a Wyoming Truck Accident Attorney

Primerus attorneys work with victims of Wyoming truck accidents, helping them get the compensation they deserve for their injuries. If you suffered injuries in a tractor-trailer crash due to a negligent driver, truck company, mechanic, or manufacturer, contact a Casper truck accident attorney at Gary L. Shockey, PC to discuss your case.

Gary L. Shockey, PC attorneys practicing in the area of Truck Accident Law: