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Jesper Nooij

Jesper Nooij advises international and national entrepreneurs. The focus of his practice is corporate law. Jesper has been working in the corporate law section of Russell Advocaten for two years and will be sworn in as a lawyer in August 2024.

Jesper mainly focuses on corporate litigation, (international) disputes and advice in the areas of corporate law and contract law. Jesper is particularly involved in issues concerning supervisory boards, on which he writes a master’s thesis. In addition, Jesper advises entrepreneurs and companies on property law issues.

And further…

In his spare time, Jesper occupies himself with sports, reading, visiting museums and hanging out with friends.


  • Corporate law
  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate housekeeping
  • Corporate litigation
  • (Air) transport law


  • 2023 Master Private Law, VU University Amsterdam
  • 2022 Bachelor of Law, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Practice Areas
Aviation and Aerospace Law
Corporate Law