Gary L. Shockey, PC
951 Werner Court, Suite 340
Casper, WY 82601
United States
Gary L. Shockey, PC, is primarily a personal injury firm, representing injured plaintiffs and families in wrongful death litigation. Gary Shockey’s experience over the years has ranged from automobile and trucking injury cases to very complex scientific product liability cases. Gary Shockey appreciates the opportunity to engage in scientifically or medically complex injury cases and translate their issues for a jury.
Examples of Gary Shockey’s experiences include injuries to workers on oilfield equipment, above and below ground mining in the coal, uranium and trona industries, and general construction site injuries. Automobile and trucking cases present scientific accident reconstruction and medical issues. He has had extensive experience in proving both liability and damages in toxic exposure cases, including carbon monoxide, industrial gases, and the full range of hydrocarbons, benzene, and commercial solvents. Gary Shockey has had broad experience in groundwater and air contamination cases. He also has experience in recreational injuries including equine events and skiing mishaps. In addition to helping those injured physically, Gary Shockey has had many cases involving the effects of post traumatic stress disorder, brain injuries, and the impacts of losing a loved one.
Gary Shockey has been honored to work helping people who have been injured or lost loved ones for nearly 40 years.