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Bahas, Gramatidis & Partners
Athens, Greece

'With an Olive Tree, a Vineyard and a Boat, You Can Rebuild Greece'

On behalf of the Ancient Olympia Olive Trees Project Organizing Committee I wish to personally thank our Donors for the empathy showed and the overwhelming support given to the Greek farming families from the Ancient Olympia region that lost their homes and their livelihoods to the fires that ravaged an area of Greece known the world over for its illustrious past.

Quoting what Odysseas Elitis, Greece's Nobel Prize-Winning Poet, have said

“If you take Greece apart,

In the end you will be left with

an olive tree, a vineyard and a boat...

which means that with these items

you can rebuild Greece...”

…we now have thousands of olive trees to recover and rebuilt, thanks to them!

Their valuable support will enable the small farmers of the Ancient Olympia region to replant at least 145,000 olive trees, of a value of approx. 850,000 euro, in the coming spring!

With respect and thanks,

Yanos Gramatidis

Project Founder

Partner in Bahas, Gramatidis & Partners Law Firm