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Change comes about through a shift in the way that we think

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
~Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi’s immortal words inspired monumental change in India and other parts of the world through a campaign of nonviolent resistance to colonial rule.

At the time, his methods were maligned and criticized, and were thought to be deeply out of touch with the realities of the day in the decades between the end of World War I and the onset of the nuclear age.

That is until his movement began to build momentum, attracting thousands and then millions of followers determined to see meaningful change in how society operates for the good of mankind.

Gandhi’s journey, of course, took place along a tortured path, filled with violence, imprisonment, sacrifice, and ultimately success before an assassin cut short a life that was destined to inspire movements for civil rights and freedom in countries around the world.

Ironically, his death has been viewed for years in the context of another of his most famous quotes, one that seems particularly salient today.

“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”

Jack Buchanan - cropped headshot

By almost any metric, change is difficult to measure and even more challenging to implement especially when attempting to shift long-held attitudes and beliefs.

We discovered those facts years ago when we created Primerus with an underlying mission to change the public perception of the legal profession.

Some critics saw our efforts to portray lawyers and the judiciary in a more positive light as futile and destined for failure.

The headwinds we faced were everywhere – on radio, TV, the movies, the daily newspapers, even in the barbershops and hair salons. Each outlet seemingly served as a convenient place to bash lawyers, leaving little left to the imagination about how far the legal profession had fallen in the eyes of the public.

But in our minds, it was time for a paradigm shift, propelled by a change in the narrative to tell a more compelling story of a profession dedicated to being the problem-solving and peace-making instruments of society.

The telling was told by word and by deed, and has been reflected in the growth of an organization that over the span of 30 years has become international in scope. More importantly, it is an organization that values honesty and integrity, and is committed to upholding the highest standards of the legal profession while also demonstrating a strong commitment to the joy of community service.

Now, with the midterm elections just a few weeks away, we are bombarded by a flurry of promises from candidates on both sides of political aisle determined to “make a difference” if elected. The shopworn phrase has become a campaign cliché that begs the question of “make a difference in what?”

The answer, we can only hope, does not involve unkept promises to “Build a Wall,” to “Drain the Swamp,” or to “Make America Great Again.”

Instead, we long to hear a far different sort of message, one focused on “Changing the World – in the Nick of Time.”

The urgency in tackling that lofty goal has served as the impetus for the new Primerus Foundation, which was formally unveiled at last week’s 2022 Global Conference in San Diego. Like the Primerus organization itself, the Foundation is built upon a belief that honesty and integrity matter in every aspect of life, particularly when considering the political candidates we choose and those that we elect to public office.

The need to launch the Primerus Foundation arose shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine last winter, setting in motion a tragedy of epic proportions that threatens to engulf the world in a cataclysmic nuclear event. We can thank Vladimir Putin for that, as well as for all the death and misery he has spread over a neighboring country, which in recent months has displayed a fierce determination to repel the Russian invaders.

Sadly, some of Putin’s apologists sport an American face, including several right-wing provocateurs who have a nightly TV megaphone at their disposal. These, of course, are the same political commentators who have done their best to downplay the seriousness of the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol with one going so far as to say “it barely rates as a footnote” in terms of its historical significance.

The absurdity of that statement is beyond question, as is the fact that the deadly events of January 6 were orchestrated by a former president whose reign will be a permanent stain on the history of this country.

In fact, his continuing efforts to undermine the rule of law and to subvert the will of the people have given us all the more reason to launch the Primerus Foundation, which we hope will serve as a shield to repeated attempts to destroy our democratic institutions.

While the Primerus Foundation intends to remain non-partisan on all cultural issues and supports no political party over another, it is not impartial when it comes to certain virtues and basic principles that guide us. They serve as our “Book of Virtues” and include: honesty, integrity, kindness, compassion, generosity, and courage. As such, they go hand-in-hand with the inalienable rights of every human being to enjoy freedom, liberty, equality, and justice, framed within a democratic form of government where the rule of law is sacrosanct.

In a nutshell, that is the essence of the Primerus Foundation, which we hope will serve as a
unifying force for a once-proud nation in the years to come.

Best regards,
Jack Buchanan, President