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From the President's Desk

New era begins to unfold in the World of Primerus

Even before summer gives way to fall later this month, the seeds of change are in the air at Primerus.

Most notably, a new Primerus website was unveiled this week, capping a project that has been two years in the making and reflects a fresh and innovative approach to conveying the message that we are part of something special – an alliance of the “World’s Finest Law Firms.”

Evidence of that fact can be seen in the growth we have experienced over the past year, marked by the addition of nearly 20 firms to our membership roster. The growth has been especially evident on the international front, where we have welcomed a number of new firms from nations across the African, Middle Eastern, and Asian regions.

Now those firms are linked together with longtime Primerus members around the globe, creating a worldwide digital presence that will emphasize our commitment to investing heavily in brand-building and business development programs designed to further enhance the value of the Primerus experience.

Back in the 1990s, we were an early proponent of using the wonders of technology to reach new audiences, coincidentally creating our first website the same year that a Silicon Valley company named Google was born. Not so coincidentally, we have strived to use the Google search engine apparatus to full advantage in terms of optimization, utilizing an array of technological tools to showcase Primerus firms in the most positive light.

Jack C Buchanan headshot

In effect, we have combined more than 160 websites into one, creating a central destination where internet users can access important content on each law firm in the global Primerus community.

Our newest website is the fifth version since we were founded in 1992 and was designed and built by some of the brightest minds in the technology profession. Their collaborative efforts have helped produce a digital tool that is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and makes greater use of photos, videos, graphics, and the art of storytelling in presenting the Six-Pillar message of Primerus.

The importance of the Six Pillars will be underscored at the upcoming Primerus Global Conference, scheduled for October 26-29 in the historic city of Versailles, France.

The annual event offers members a golden opportunity to broaden their legal horizons, tapping into the knowledge and experience from an exceptional lineup of featured speakers. The global gathering – with the rich heritage of Versailles and Paris as its backdrop – also serves as a perfect setting for welcoming young lawyers in your firm to the world stage, where they will be afforded the chance to meet and mix with Primerus members from scores of countries.

In a collective sense, the Global Conference is a “must” for each Primerus firm, bringing together legal practitioners from different countries and cultures with a goal of betterment uppermost in mind. 

The same mindset will be on display when the Primerus Defense Institute holds its 2023 Fall Seminar in Chicago, Ill. September 18-19, as such pertinent topics as “Addressing Revival Statutes in Matters of Sexual Assault and Molestation” and “Cyber Liability” claims will be explored.

As our history has shown, the opportunity to be a participant enriches the Primerus experience and can enhance the overall quality of life factors that have taken on added importance in the post-COVID work environment.

For young lawyers especially, being part of a Primerus firm can accelerate professional growth, offering early opportunities for front-line courtroom work and client contact that are principally reserved for more seasoned attorneys in Big Law. The chance to advance also can serve as a vital recruiting tool in attracting top talent, a point that we are stressing in our ongoing efforts to build relationships with law schools around the country.

The chance to be involved in client interaction has long been a hallmark of Primerus and is most readily seen in our longstanding partnership with the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), whose annual meeting is scheduled for October 22-25 in San Antonio, Texas.

The ACC, of course, is the largest global network of its kind that promotes the common professional and business interests of in-house counsel who work for corporations, associations, and other organizations. Our close working relationship with it is such that we regularly appear at ACC meetings with a sponsorship booth that allows us the privilege of telling its members our story and the value of belonging to Primerus.

Parts of that story are told on a regular basis in our Weekly newsletter and Paradigm magazine, two publications that are chock-full of feature profiles that highlight the work and careers of Primerus attorneys from all corners of the world.

Beginning with this issue, the Weekly moves from a Monday to a Tuesday publication that has been redesigned to offer even more photos and content to be digested quickly and easily during your busy work week. Again, we encourage each member firm to take full advantage of this opportunity to step into the publishing spotlight, as we invite you to send us interesting story leads that can turn into compelling features to further polish your brand.

The same invitation is extended to readers of the Paradigm, which over the past two years has undergone a major overhaul to give Primerus attorneys maximum exposure for their range of good works. The next issue of the magazine will appear in your e-mail inbox at the end of September and will feature a distinctly fall flavor from all over the world. We’re confident you will like the latest taste.

Best regards,
Jack Buchanan, President