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From the President's Desk

A new look

Last month, just before the change of seasons, we launched the new Primerus website, capping a nearly two-year effort to upgrade and revitalize our digital presence for an expanding global audience.

Based upon early feedback, the website redesign has been well-received, particularly for its enhanced speed and ease of navigability that accents the increased capability to use videos, photos, graphics, and text to tell the Primerus story in a compelling way.

The new website – which is our fifth version since we were founded in 1992 – also was designed with search engine optimization in mind, improving the quality and quantity of digital traffic to each of the over 150 law firms in the Primerus community.

To add even more luster to the new web product, we encourage each Primerus firm to take stock of its own web pages on the Primerus website, updating photos and materials where necessary, while also seizing upon the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the many new features built into the redesign. 

As part of your membership package, we regularly monitor the digital traffic to your web pages, gathering valuable information about the various features that specifically attract readers. We, in turn, share that information with you in a collaborative effort to drive more traffic to your site.

Jack C Buchanan headshot

For those who would like a guided tour of the new Primerus website, please contact your designated Primerus representative.

Room at the inn

In less than a month, the 2023 Primerus Global Conference will take place in the historic city of Versailles, just minutes from the French capital of Paris, and there is still time to make plans to attend the special gathering.

Slated for October 26-28, the annual event will feature the theme of “Expanding Your Horizons,” and will serve as a golden opportunity to participate in a series of roundtable discussions on marketing, attracting and retaining legal talent, and developing the future leaders of your law firm.

We especially encourage young lawyers to attend the conference to learn from those who have the benefit of years of experience in the legal profession and how best to navigate it. In addition, we strongly encourage each member firm to send a representative to the event, and to enjoy the added opportunity to explore the many sights of Versailles and Paris at a time when the summer crowds are gone and the weather is particularly pleasant.

For more information, visit and click on the Events link.

Ever resourceful

As a connecting mechanism, the Primerus Client Resource Institute (PCRI) was created years ago with the help of some long-standing Primerus corporate clients to foster business and educational opportunities. Its membership consists of in-house counsel, corporate executives, and professionals who are responsible for the legal affairs of their companies.

The PCRI offers attorneys access to one of the most valuable services to clients in today’s legal market – assistance in finding the right lawyer, with the right skills, in the right location, and at the right cost. In effect, we serve as legal matchmaker, helping clients find “good lawyers” while also assisting lawyers in finding “good clients.” 

PCRI membership, which is free of charge to clients of Primerus members, also provides clients with the opportunity to connect with other similarly situated in-house counsel and corporate professionals around the world.

Membership also entitles clients the chance to attend the annual International Summit and other noteworthy Primerus events, in addition to gaining access to various webinars and seminars where CLE credits can be earned. 

To join, visit and click on the Institutes link under the World of Primerus.

Read all about us

The autumn issue of our Paradigm magazine will released this week and includes a host of intriguing features on Primerus attorneys and law firms around the globe.

In keeping with the fall publication date, the lead article focuses on how autumn is celebrated in various countries and cultures, punctuating the fall festival stories with a series of eye-catching photos.

The fall edition of Paradigm also contains a series of feature profiles on attorneys who have made their mark in the legal community and beyond, particularly as it applies to pro bono and charitable work.

The Paradigm was revamped several years ago to make it more readable and enlightening, and to highlight the otherwise unsung efforts of Primerus attorneys committed to making a positive impact in their respective communities. The magazine reaches a global audience of nearly 17,000 readers each issue and serves as another platform for delivering your law firm’s message. 

As such, we welcome your input and we invite interesting story leads that can be turned into feature articles in future issues of the Paradigm. Please contact Managing Editor Paige Neirman ( with your story ideas.

Be part of the plan

As we enter the final quarter of 2023, the time is ripe to express your interest in becoming involved in the leadership of our many institutes, practice groups, sections, and boards. 

Whatever your background, there is a role suited for you in the ranks of Primerus, whether as a board member, program presenter, section leader, or as an ambassador dedicated to welcoming new members into the Primerus organization. As new members quickly see, there are no cliques in Primerus. It is an inclusive organization where everyone is treated and viewed as equals.

Our growth is rooted in a commitment to building lasting relationships – with colleagues, clients, and other member firms. That commitment is best reflected in a willingness to reach out and to help out, which is what we encourage all members to do as we map plans for the year ahead.