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​Q&A with Justin Wade

Justin Wade is an associate in the Corporate Practice Group at Mandelbaum Barrett PC in Roseland, N.J., where he focuses on commercial transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and various issues in corporate governance. Prior to his admission to the New Jersey State Bar Association, Justin worked at the firm as a law clerk. He is an alumnus of Michigan State University College of Law.

Q: Before becoming an attorney, what was your first job?

A: I grew up in a very rural, blue-collar area of Western New York. My first job was on a farm, stacking hay and straw during the summer months. While the work was difficult, I quite enjoyed it because I worked alongside some of my close childhood friends. I also spent a few years working in the construction industry before attending law school. I take pride in my time as a blue-collar worker.

2023 May 01 - Weekly Q and A - Justin Wade - Family
Justin and his girlfriend, Abby, were all smiles in a group photo with their respective families.

Q: What motivated you to pursue a legal career?

A: I enrolled in a few legal classes as an undergraduate and ultimately found them to be interesting. I was uncertain what I wanted to do after graduation, so I consulted with my academic advisor, who also happened to be a practicing attorney. It wasn’t long thereafter that I decided I wanted to pursue the legal profession.

Q: Who was your chief mentor and how did he or she influence your career?

A: My father was my chief mentor because he taught me about the importance of work ethic.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A: It is hard to identify a single piece of advice received from a particular individual, but over the years I have learned the importance of embracing the mindset of a life-long student. I never want to stop learning, adapting, and developing on a personal and professional level. I never want to be that old dog that cannot learn new tricks.

2023 May 01 - Weekly Q and A - Justin Wade - Cannon
With the Manhattan skyline as a backdrop, Justin and his dog struck a happy pose.

Q: What is one thing you would like to learn to do?

A: Golf! I intend on beginning lessons this spring. I love an excuse to get out of the house (or the office), and I am a fan of the sport. While I have smacked the ball around a course a few times in the past (albeit, very poorly), I am excited to learn how to play the game properly and pick up a new hobby.

Q: What is your proudest career achievement?

A: Thus far, my proudest career achievement is having had the opportunity to represent our law firm at multiple national conferences and to speak before audiences about the great work that we do. This experience has been invaluable to me and has empowered me as a professional. I enjoy getting out of the office and interacting with the people and industries we service.

Q: What other career path might you have chosen?

A: If I wasn’t an attorney, I think I would have started up my own business. In which field, I am unsure, but working with entrepreneurially spirited individuals every day has been quite inspiring.

Justin Wade
Justin Wade

Q: What is your most treasured material possession?

A: This may not be a material possession, but my dog brings me great happiness and I certainly treasure his companionship.

Q: What is your happiest childhood memory?

A: Spending summer nights with my family.

Q: What is your favorite movie and book?

A: Movie: “Pulp Fiction.”

Book: “The Robert Langdon” book series by Dan Brown.

Q: What is the most awe-inspiring place you have visited?

A: I will never forget the first time I visited Estes Park in Colorado. Having grown up on the East Coast, I found the Rocky Mountains to be breathtaking.

Q: What are your favorite leisure time pursuits?

A: I like to stay active, so even in my “downtime” I am up and about. In my free time I enjoy walking my dog, caring for the lawn and landscaping, trying new restaurants, and exercising.

Q: What is your favorite famous or inspirational quote?

A: “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there” – Theodore Roosevelt

Q: Who is on your guest list for the ideal dinner party?

A: Michael Jordan, Elon Musk, and Dave Chappelle.

Q: What are the top three items on your bucket list?

A: Dive with sharks (in a cage, of course). Go on an Africa safari. Complete a triathlon.

Q: What do you do to give back to your community?

A: Our firm has a fantastic and active Charity Committee, and I greatly enjoy participating in its programming. I frequently contribute to food drives, holiday toy drives, clothing drives, and more. This is an aspect of our law firm that I very much appreciate.

Q: Can you share a positive referral experience within Primerus™

A: I recently assisted on a real estate transaction in Las Vegas that required advisement of local counsel. We had the pleasure of working with Henry Lichtenberger, Esq. of Sklar Williams PLLC. The transaction picked up momentum around the holiday season, and there was a great deal of client pressure to close by year end. Henry was thorough and efficient in his advisement, and thanks to Henry’s responsiveness, we were able to get the deal closed on time.

2023 May 01 - Weekly Q and A - Justin Wade - DSWorld 2022 Melody and Justin at booth
Mandelbaum Barrett associates Justin Wade and Melody Lins were among the featured speakers at a recent conference geared toward dental practitioners.