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​Q&A with Kevin Manogari

A senior associate with Leks&Co in Jakarta, Indonesia, Kevin Manogari joined the firm in 2020. He obtained his law degree from the University of Indonesia in 2015 and a Master of Law from the University of Tilburg in 2019.
At Leks&Co, Manogari specializes in the construction and real estate law fields, while also handling general corporate and commercial law matters.

Q: Before becoming an attorney, what was your first job?

A: My first job was as a lawyer in a law firm.

Q: What motivated you to pursue a legal career?

A: Career development

Q: Who was your chief mentor and how did he or she influence your career?

A: Eddy Leks. He teaches me how to think in a certain way as lawyer.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A: When you talk, you are only repeating what you know, but when you listen, you learn something new.

Q: What is one thing you would like to learn to do?

A: Computer science (algorithm, data science, and all related disciplines)

2023 June 12 - Weekly Q and A - Kevin Samuel Fridolin Manogari - photo
This is Mr. Kevin (first row, second from the right) when celebrating Christmas 2022 with Leks&Co.​

Q: What is your proudest career achievement?

A: When I can earn trust from my boss, senior, and colleague.

Q: What other career path might you have chosen?

A: Involved in family business

Q: What do you do to give back to your community?

A: I would like to do pro bono work someday.

Q: What is your happiest childhood memory?

A: When my father took me to a football game

Kevin S. F. Manogari
Kevin Manogari

Q: Can you share a positive experience within Primerus?

A: I proudly announce that my firm is a member of Primerus in every business development work I have done.

Q: What is your most treasured material possession?

A: My savings

Q: What is your favorite movie and book?

A: Movie: The Godfather (Part I or Part II, love them equally) Book: To Kill a Mockingbird

Q: What is the most awe-inspiring place you have visited?

A: Merbabu Mountain, Central Java

Q: What are your favorite leisure time pursuits?

A: Tennis

Q: What is your favorite famous or inspirational quote?

A: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles” – Sun Tzu

Q: Who is on your guest list for the ideal dinner party?

A: Roger Federer

Q: What are the top three items on your bucket list?

A: Buy a house. Passive income. Holiday to Nordic countries.