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​Q&A with Robin Lewis

Q: What is your position with Primerus, how long have you been with Primerus, and what can members and clients come to you for?

A: Since early 2022, I have been the Senior Vice President for Special Projects here at Primerus. Many of you know that I have been working with Primerus for more than 15 years through my former law firm, Mandelbaum Barrett PC. In my current position, I do a little bit of everything – working on whatever project needs some help at any given time. I also do a lot of work with members through various boards and committees. Members and clients can come to me with any Primerus question; if I don’t have the answer, I will connect you with someone who does.

Q: What was your very first job?

A: My very first job was doing odd jobs and clerical work at my father’s import-export business. From age 14 on, I worked at the local library, continuing that kind of job through college, when I worked at the main library at Rutgers University.

Q: How did your career path lead you to your current position?

A: When I graduated from college, I wanted to go into publishing, but couldn’t type fast enough to get an entry level job. I became a paralegal at a very large law firm in New York City (where I didn’t have to type!). After a few years, I thought that I might as well go to law school if I wanted to stay in the legal world, and my career went on from there.

2023 August 14 - Weekly Q&A - Robin Lewis - Dog Artie
Artie, a trusted assistant to attorney Robin Lewis, periodically sits in on her Zoom calls as often as his nap schedule permits.

Q: Who was your chief mentor and how did he or she influence your career?

A: I have been lucky enough to have had several mentors along the way and I’m appreciative of all the guidance and help I’ve gotten, both professionally and personally.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A: Slow and steady wins the race.

Q: What is one thing you would like to learn to do?

A: While I have been studying languages for many years, I would love to become fluent in Italian, French, and Spanish.

Q: What is your proudest career achievement?

A: (1) Becoming partner in two New Jersey law firms.
    (2) Helping clients work through difficult, sophisticated, and often funky real estate deals.
    (3) Mentoring some of my younger colleagues and helping them along the path.

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Robin Lewis

Q: What other career path might you have chosen?

A: Event planning or travel planning.

Q: What do you do to give back to your community?

A: I’m proud to have been a founding member of my former firm’s charity initiative and to have helped form the Primerus Community Service Board.

Q: What is your most treasured material possession?

A: I have a pair of earrings that belonged to my mother. Whenever I wear them, I feel that she’s looking out for me.

Q: What is your happiest childhood memory?

A: Summers – day camp, learning to swim, chasing fireflies on warm nights, and just hanging with friends and ice cream.

Q: What is your favorite movie and book?

A: Movie: Classics, especially from the ‘40s and ‘50s. “Roman Holiday” is one of my favorites.
    Book: I love to read, so it’s hard to pick one favorite. I’ve recently gotten into mysteries that are set in various foreign locales, which is fun.

Q: What is the most awe-inspiring place you have visited?

A: I’ve been lucky enough to see many beautiful places, but when I saw the fog lift from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, the word “breathtaking” really rang true.

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Avid travelers, Robin Lewis and her husband, Rob Sapoff, are pictured on a recent trip to a favorite destination in Italy, Santa Margherita Ligure, near the city of Genoa.

Q: What are your favorite leisure time pursuits?

A: Travel, reading, and swimming.

Q: What is your favorite famous or inspirational quote?

A: Although she didn’t say it to me, I very much subscribe to the “Scarlett O’Hara” rule of life – “tomorrow is another day!”

Q: Who is on your guest list for the ideal dinner party?

A: Family and a few close friends, but it would be fun to add the Marx Brothers and Mel Brooks – just for laughs!

Q: What are the top three items on your bucket list?

A: All travel related….Seeing the Galapagos Islands. Spending time in Australia and New Zealand. Visiting the South Seas Islands.