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Cyber Security Tips & Tricks


Stay Safe on Social Media

Many people use some form of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. When using social media platforms, it’s important to be careful about what you post. Cybercriminals can use this information in cyberattacks to try and trick you into clicking malicious links.

Be Careful What You Post

Any information that you post on social media could be used to catch your attention in a spear phishing attack. Spear phishing is when cybercriminals target you specifically. For example, if you post online about your rescue dogs, cybercriminals may send you phishing emails spoofing an animal shelter that’s asking for donations. The email could appear legitimate, but cybercriminals are actually trying to trick you into giving them your payment information.

Keep It Private

Cybercriminals can use your public information in phishing attacks to try and scam you. They often use specific details to make their phishing attacks appear more legitimate. For example, if your home address is publicly available online, cybercriminals can use it in delivery scams. For these scams, cybercriminals will send you a phishing email about a package delivery. This email will prompt you to click a link that appears legitimate but is actually malicious.

What Can I Do to Stay Safe?

Follow the tips below to stay safe when using social media:

  • Think before you post. Cybercriminals can use your personal information in spear phishing attacks to make the attacks appear legitimate.
  • Make your social media accounts private. This helps prevent cybercriminals from using your personal information against you.
  • Be cautious before replying to someone you don’t know online. They could be a cybercriminal in disguise.


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This Cyber Tip was brought to you by the Cyber Security Subcommittee of the Primerus Quality Assurance Board and Featured Contributor KnowBe4, courtesy of Kerry Vickers of Aunalytics. We also welcome your tips, which can be submitted to Paige Neirman at for publication consideration.