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By: Richard Mitchell

Beginning January 2017, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will no longer send its second renewal notification by mail. In place of a postal mail notice, an electronic renewal reminder will be sent to the email address associated with the DEA registration. The first renewal notice will continue to be sent by postal mail 65 days prior to the expiration date to the mailing address associated with the DEA registration.

DEA will retain its current policy and procedures with respect to renewal and reinstatement of registration.

  • If a renewal application is submitted in a timely manner prior to expiration, the registrant may continue operations, authorized by the registration, beyond the expiration date until final action is taken on the application.
  • DEA allows the reinstatement of an expired registration for one calendar month after the expiration date. If the registration is not renewed within that calendar month, an application for a new DEA registration will be required.
  • Regardless of whether a registration is reinstated within the calendar month after expiration, federal law prohibits the handling of controlled substances or List 1 chemicals for any period of time under an expired registration.

Registration resources:

DEA renewal forms: