Broedermann Jahn
ABC-Straße 15
20354 Hamburg
Broederman Jahn considers the law as a tool to increase the economic success of the firm's clients and restore balance to their businesses.
With the help of legal strategy development, case management and modern negotiation techniques, Broederman Jahn is generally successful in finding solutions which are economically viable and legally sound.
Thereby, the firm economizes time and costs. Even litigation is very often an instrument within the tool-box of general case planning. The attorneys of Broederman Jahn all love their profession and the legal work connected with it (most of the firm's attorneys have written at least one legal book). This gives them the enthusiasm and strength the firm needs to make clients’ projects even more successful.
Furthermore, Broederman Jahn is not only young in spirit and experienced as a "can-do" law firm in fighting to achieve their clients desired objectives in transactions or dispute settlements. The firm also measures up in terms of sophistication and horsepower that they bring on the road to firms much larger than Broederman Jahn. It is an intricate part of the firm's philosophy to grow not for growths sake, but so as to remain fiercely competitive where they need to expand while always striving to maintain their internal fabric of friendship, loyalty, mentoring of junior lawyers, as well as fun on the job.