Eddins Domine Law Group, PLLC
3950 Westport Road,
Louisville, KY 40207
United States
Many clients prefer to keep disputes confidential for various reasons, not least to safeguard their reputation. In international contract drafting, an arbitration clause – if carefully drafted - is often the best guarantee for realistic enforcement of claims. While the enforcement of court decisions abroad can turn into a costly and ineffective hassle, the New York Arbitration Convention offers today nearly world-wide enforcement options for arbitral awards.
In arbitration cases the partners and lawyers of Eddins Domine Law Group, PLLC act as counsel but some of them also as arbitrator. The experience gained on both sides of arbitration leads us to even better performance. At the same time our large background in transactional and commercial services adds further value, too. Thus, we can help clients in all kinds of arbitration, be it IT-cases, disputes over seeds, straight forward commercial issues but also international investment disputes.