The Handley Law Center
111 South Rock Island Avenue,
El Reno, OK 73036
United States
Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that develops in the lining of a person’s organs. There is currently no cure. Many factors can contribute to mesothelioma, but most cases can be traced back to exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring but dangerous mineral. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you might be entitled to compensation for your expenses and suffering. Contact an Oklahoma City mesothelioma lawyer at The Handley Law Center to discuss your legal options.
Who is at risk for mesothelioma?
Asbestos, once hailed as a “miracle mineral,” is made up of durable, heat-resistant fibers. The U.S. used it in a wide variety of products, from building materials and appliances to protective gear and household products. The U.S. regulates asbestos more now than in years past, but you can still find it in many places, such as in auto clutches and roofing materials.
Anyone who has been routinely exposed to asbestos is at risk for developing mesothelioma. Some of the most at-risk occupations include construction and industrial workers, firefighters, power plant workers, and shipyard workers. It can take 20 to 50 years for the effects of the exposure to fully manifest and for cancer to develop.
What are the symptoms and effects of mesothelioma?
The symptoms and signs of mesothelioma depend upon where in the body cancer has developed:
A diagnosis of mesothelioma is devastating for the victim, as well as his/her family and friends. It is important to educate yourself on treatment options and seek out support from your family, a therapist, a cancer support group, or religious leaders.
Can I sue for damages?
Treatment for mesothelioma is expensive. Many victims (or their family members) can recoup their medical expenses and lost wages by filing a lawsuit against the company that was responsible for the asbestos exposure. Manufacturers have the power to prevent their workers from exposure to asbestos. Failure to do so is negligence.
Oklahoma laws provide that victims can hold manufacturers liable for their negligence by filing a personal injury or wrongful death claim or lawsuit. By obtaining a settlement or winning a suit, you can recover your losses and ensure that your family’s financial future is secure.
How do I get started pursuing compensation for my losses?
Contact an Oklahoma mesothelioma attorney at The Handley Law Center today about your options for obtaining restitution. The consultation is free and you have no obligation to use our services.