Lovita Tandy
Krevolin & Horst, LLC
Atlanta, GA
Lovita Tandy is a seasoned litigator and well-recognized authority in the area of labor & employment law. She serves as a trusted advisor to multinational corporations, mid-size companies, and small businesses in a broad range of industries, and non-profits.
Lovita relies on her more than 25 years of experience to guide clients in the defense of single plaintiff, class, and collective employment discrimination and retaliation claims involving federal and state anti-discrimination laws. She also assists clients in navigating the complexities of whistleblower laws and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Lovita litigates trade secrets, restrictive covenants, and class and collective action matters as well.
Highly skilled at internal investigations and trained in trauma-informed interviewing techniques, Lovita is masterful at interviewing the accused as well as witnesses in a way that respects personal dignity and values operational effectiveness. Lovita also conducts employment-related training for corporations and high-level executives, designs ADA, FLSA, and other employment-related compliance programs, and offers advice and counseling on the full spectrum of employment laws.
She has a passion for DEIB and advises clients across the country on strategies to ensure that companies achieve their diversity goals while remaining compliant with changes in the law. Lovita also designs and conducts DEIB training programs that are rooted in two and a half decades of experience on what actually works. Lovita is a thought leader on many current DIEB challenges including effectively embracing neurodiversity in the workplace.
In addition to her employment and DEIB expertise, Lovita has extensive experience in traditional labor matters, including advising employers during union campaigns, negotiating collective bargaining agreements, arbitrating grievances, litigating matters before the National Labor Relations Board, and conducting due diligence in mergers and transactions involving unionized workforces.
Lovita leads the Mosaic Project, which shares the lived experiences of neurodiverse legal professionals. She is also the former Partner in Charge of King & Spalding’s Diversity Committee and a former Vice President of the Association for Law Firm Diversity Professionals.
Among her many professional accomplishments, Lovita became the first African American woman elected partner at King & Spalding. She also taught Contracts, Remedies, Transactional Drafting, and Negotiations while serving as a full-time professor at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School.
Industries & Expertise
Labor & Employment
Veterans Representation
Practice Areas
Employment Law
Intellectual Property
Government & Internal Investigations
Trade Secrets
Whistleblower/Qui Tam
Lovita Tandy and Katherine Kendricks, SCOTUS Decision Allows Federal Employees to Seek Appellate Review of Claims After Statutory Deadline, Legal Bulletin, June 2024.
Lovita Tandy and Erin Harris, Maximizing Potential: Embracing Neurodiversity in the Legal Profession, Georgia Bar Journal, May 2024.
Lovita Tandy and Maia Cogen, SCOTUS Decision Allows Federal Employees to Seek Appellate Review of Claims After Statutory Deadline, Legal Bulletin, May 2024.
Panelist, Harvard/UNC: Affirmative Action in DEI After the Supreme Court Decision, Leadership Institute for Women of Color Attorneys, April 2024.
Panelist, Understanding the Interaction Between Neurodiversity and The Americans With Disabilities Act, National Business Institutes (NBI), April 2024.
Panelist, A Balancing Act: How to Navigate Conflicting Laws and Regulations When it Comes to Implementing DEI Policies in the Workplace, National Association of Women and Minority Owned Law Firms Driving Diversity & Leadership Conference, March 2024.
Jessica Mazzeo and Lovita Tandy, Another Bite at the Apple: Neuroinclusion as a Way to Lead the Diversity Challenge, ALM/Law.com, March 2024
Panelist: The Newest DEI Frontier: Understanding Neurodiversity, State Bar of Georgia Diversity Program CLE, March 2024
Panelist, A Balancing Act: How to Navigate Conflicting Laws and Regulations When it Comes to Implementing DEI Policies in the Workplace, National Association of Women and Minority Owned Law Firms Driving Diversity & Leadership Conference, March 2024
Lovita Tandy, The Supreme Court Rejects the Second Circuit’s “Retaliatory Intent” Element in SOX Whistleblower Case, Legal Bulletin, February 2024
Panelist, Trial Techniques: A Paralegal’s Many Roles at Trial, Georgia Association of Paralegals 50th Anniversary Conference, October 2023
Lovita Tandy and Michelle McClafferty, SCOTUS Ends Race Conscious Affirmative Action Admission Programs, Legal Bulletin, June 2023
Lovita Tandy, Unanimous Supreme Court Tosses the Decades-Old “De Minimus” Standard in Religious Accommodation Cases, Legal Bulletin, June 2023
Lovita Tandy, Why the NLRB General Counsel Thinks Non-Competes Violate the NLRA, Legal Bulletin, June 2023
Lovita Tandy, DOL Provides Additional Clarification on Impact of Holidays on an Employee’s FMLA Leave Balance, Legal Bulletin, June 2023
Lovita Tandy, EEOC Urges Employees to Review Artificial Intelligence and Other Technology Used in the Selection Process for Bias, Legal Bulletin, May 2023
Lovita Tandy and Leslie Bryan, Litigating Proportionality Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(1), American Bar Association, February 2023
Lovita Tandy, Supreme Court Holds that Employers Could Not Rely on the Highly Compensated Employee Overtime Exemption For an Employee Paid According to a Daily Rate, Legal Bulletin, February 2023
Lovita Tandy and Allegra Lawrence-Hardy, Right Tools, Right Hands, Right Now: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Legal Representation, Home Depot Corporate Counsel, March 2022
Lovita Tandy and Bonnie Burke, Case Law Updates on Sex Discrimination Arbitration Waivers & Joint Employment Law, Law360, October 2018
Panelist, Harvard University Women in Business’ Consulting Panel, September 2017.
Moderator, The Business of Practicing Law in the New Millennium: Understanding Law Firm Economics and Knowing How to Put Yourself Out There, Leadership Institute for Women of Color Attorneys Annual Conference, March 2017
Moderator and presenter, Understanding Micro-Aggressions, The Sedona Conference Working Group on Electronic Document Retention & Production’s (WG1) 2016 Annual Meeting, October 2016.
Presenter, How to Build an Effective Reasonable Accommodations Process Within Your Organization, Society for Human Resource Management – Foothills, GA Chapter, October 2016.
Presenter, Gender in Negotiations, Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys CLE-at-Sea, Dubai, UAE, October 2016.
Presenter, When Worlds Collide: Balancing the Responsibilities of the MEC and HR in Physician Peer Review, King & Spalding Healthcare Roundtable, December 2015.
Presenter, Women’s Federal Statutory Rights in the Workplace, American Institute of Chemical Engineers 2014 National Convention, November 2014.
Moderator, The Evolution of Diversity in the State Bar of Georgia: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, State Bar of Georgia Diversity Program’s 20th Anniversary Celebration, October 2012.
Panelist, Diversity in the Workplace: Microinsults, American Bar Association’s Midyear Meeting, February 2011.
Presenter, The Americans with Disabilities Act: New Risks for Employers and a Gold Mine for Employees? The Seminar Group’s 6th Annual Labor and Employment Conference, October 2009.
H. Lane Dennard and Lovita T Tandy, Unions’ Right To Company Information (Third Edition) (2001) (Treatise).