Krevolin & Horst, LLC
1201 West Peachtree Street NW, One Atlantic Center, Suite 3500
Atlanta, GA 30309
United States
The Atlanta casinos and gambling lawyers at Krevolin & Horst have extensive experience in Georgia Lottery and Coin Operated Amusement Machines (COAM). The COAM industry requires niche understanding of the GLC (Georgia Lottery Corporation) laws that guide and govern its operation. The Atlanta COAM attorneys represent both location and master licensees in numerous relationships involving gas stations, bars, restaurants, supermarkets and more.
The Atlanta Coin Operated Amusement Machines lawyers represent clients in matters involving:
The Atlanta COAM attorneys at Krevolin & Horst, LLC are distinguished by a history of successful COAM representation. For an experienced Atlanta casinos and gambling lawyer, contact Krevolin & Horst, LLC in Texas.