Mann Lawyers LLP
11 Holland Avenue, Suite 300 (Tower A)
Ottawa ON K1Y 4S1
The proven Ottawa franchise lawyers at Mann Lawyers LLP specialize in franchise law, giving professional clients custom-tailored legal solutions and expert advice. The Ottawa franchise lawyers assist clients with establishing franchise agreements, organizing contracts, reviewing financing documents, and identifying the risks involved in operating a successful business franchise. Mann Lawyers can help you realize your franchise opportunities as either a franchisor or as a franchisee while empowering you to reach your goals by providing sound professional advice in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
The Ottawa franchise lawyers have experience representing clients in franchise law matters involving:
In addition to franchise law and business law, our Ottawa franchise lawyers offer expertise in other areas applicable to successfully operating a franchised business including:
The Ottawa franchise lawyers at Mann Lawyers LLP support local franchises as lead sponsor of The Franchise Expo – Ottawa and are proud to be a member of the Canadian Franchise Association. For experienced representation and advice, contact the Ottawa franchise lawyers at Mann Lawyers LLP in Canada.