Steven N. Gosney
Nicklaus & Associates, P.A.
Coral Gables, FL
Steven N. Gosney, Esq., is a Senior Associate Attorney at Nicklaus & Associates P.A. in Coral Gables, Florida, earned his undergraduate degree from Stetson University with a Bachelor of Arts in History in 1990, attended Stetson University School of Law in 1997 and following his passion in the legal field, he earned his Juris Doctorate from Washington & Lee University School of Law in Lexington, Virginia in 1999. Mr. Gosney also holds a Master of Science in Criminal Justice since 2017 from University of Central
Mr. Gosney’s practice encompasses civil litigation defense, appellate law, trucking defense, criminal appellate practice, and all aspects of other general casualty civil litigation. Mr. Gosney has many years of trial experience in Florida and has served in the Office of the State Attorney for the 7th and 11th Florida Judicial Circuits, and the Office of the Public Defender in Daytona Beach for a combined period of over 25 years. Mr. Gosney is admitted to practice in all Florida State and Federal Courts.
University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida
Earned Master of Science, in Criminal Justice Spring 2017
Final GPA 3.979
Washington & Lee University School of Law Lexington, Virginia
Earned Juris Doctor Fall 1997 to May 1999
Foreign study sponsored by Tulane University School of Law:
Trinity College, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Stetson University School of Law St. Petersburg, Florida
Fall 1996 and Spring 1997
Highest grade award - Criminal Law, Contracts I
Stetson University DeLand, Florida
Earned Bachelor of Arts in History Fall 1985 to Winter 1990
Additional post-graduate work in Education
Nicklaus & Associates, P.A. Coral Gables
Associate September 2024 to present
The practice includes all aspects of civil litigation, from drafting pleadings and legal briefs to conducting discovery and trial. Areas of practice include defense of trucking companies and other civil litigation.
Office of the State Attorney, 11TH Judicial Circuit Miami
Assistant State Attorney June 2024 to September 2024 Served in the training and legal division.
Office of the Public Defender Daytona Beach
Assistant Public Defender September 2010 to June 2024.
Senior Attorney – Appellate Training. Awarded Recognition and Appreciation Plaque, June 2024. Promoted to Capital Division Appeals in March 2019 (the position also maintained a regular appellate docket). The public defender’s appellate division in Daytona Beach handles criminal appeals of indigent defendants in the thirteen counties composing the Fifth District. To date, I have personally handled over 452 direct appeals. This position requires superior written communication skills and the capacity to function in a highly demanding environment with minimal guidance. I developed a file management system during my tenure in the appellate division. I trained all new appellate attorneys and occasionally trained trial attorneys in an individual boot camp format. I also continue to assist the trial division with targeted trial assistance. Before serving in the appeals division, served in the Putnam County felony division from September 2010 to March 2011. Responsibilities included client contact and management, drafting motions, and conducting felony jury trials when necessary. After reducing the docket load in trial Division 53 as was my mandate from the Public Defender, I was reassigned to the appellate division. Temporarily reassigned to major felony docket from October to December 2020 due to reduced appellate work from shutdowns. Sample of reported cases:
Farley v. State, 76 So.3d 1107 (Fla. 5th DCA 2011); Tyler v. State, 90 So.3d 346 (Fla. 5th DCA 2012); Scott v. State, 102 So.3d 676 (Fla. 5th DCA Nov. 2, 2012) cert. denied 116 So.3d 1263; Carlisle v State, 105 So.3d 625 (Fla. 5th DCA 2013); Tales v State, 108 So.3d 721, (Fla. 5th DCA 2013); Fisher v State, 124 So.3d 413, (Fla. 5th DCA 2013); State v Thomas, 133 So.3d 1133, (Fla. 5th DCA 2014) oral argument only; Collins v. State, 161 So.3d 480 (Fla. 5th DCA 2014); Corbin v. State, 147 So. 3d 626 (Fla. 5th DCA 2014); Peterson v. State, 150 So.3d 219 (Fla. 5th DCA 2014); Little v. State, 152 So.3d 770 (Fla. 5th DCA 2014); M.B. v State, 159 So.3d 960 (Fla. 5th DCA 2015); Murphy v. State, 181 So.3d 574 (Fla. 5th DCA 2015); Poillot v. State, 200 So.3d 743 (Fla. 2016); Crosby v. State, 175 So.3d 382 (Fla. 5th DCA 2015); Morris v. State, 185 So.3d 630 (Fla. 5th DCA 2016); Basaldua v. State, 199 So.3d 1129 (Fla. 5th DCA 2016); Oliver v. State, 201 So.3d 210 (Fla. 5th DCA 2016); Williams v. State, 203 So.3d 198 (Fla. 5th DCA 2016); Ball v. State, 208 So.3d 327 (Fla. 5th DCA 2016); J.J.N. v State, 214 So.3d 784, (Fla. 5th DCA 2017); Bell v. State, 216 So.3d 751 (Fla. 5th DCA 2017); Cumberland v. State, 225 So.3d 952 (Fla. 5th DCA 2017); Taylor v. State, 256 So.3d 950 (Fla. 5th DCA 2018); Harrell v. State, 272 So.3d 881 (Fla. 5th DCA 2019) (resolved at 3.800b2 stage); Davis v. State, 286 So.3d 170 (Fla. 2019); Colley v. State, 310 So.3d 2 (Fla. 2020); Bova v. State, 311 So.3d 1000 (Fla. 5th DCA 2021); Navarro v. State, 338 So.3d 1066 (Fla. 5th DCA 2022); Kelley v. State, 341 So.3d 468 (Fla. 5th DCA 2022); Brand v. State, 363 So. 3d 206, 207 (Fla. 6th DCA 2023); Wells v. State, 369 So. 3d 1176 (Fla. 5 th DCA 2023), cert. pending (Supreme Court of the United States) No. 23-6732; Fletcher v. State, SC23-0058.
Office of the State Attorney, 7TH Judicial Circuit Bunnell
Assistant State Attorney November 2004 to September 2010
I served in the Flagler County felony division from August 2007. This position handled one-half of the felony docket in Flagler County, Florida. This was a large docket, with a caseload in the 350 open file range, approximately 10% of which were major felonies. During my tenure in this position, I prosecuted fifteen felony jury trials to conclusion, in addition to handling one-half of the felony division arraignments and pre-trial docket soundings, with a total of 2327 felony cases closed. Additionally, during the administrative transition, I dealt with the entire juvenile docket for Flagler County during the first quarter of 2009. I was involved in restructuring docket assignments in Flagler County and corrected an imbalance in the number of juvenile probation officers assigned to Flagler County. Before promotion to the felony division, I was responsible for all juvenile prosecution for Flagler County from 2004 to 2007. I conducted over thirty bench trials in 2007 alone, with a total number of bench trials conducted exceeding 50 and a total number of juvenile cases closed equaling 1602.
Landis Graham French, P.A. DeLand
Associate Attorney August 1999 to November 2004, Clerk: Summer 1998
This position’s primary focus was civil litigation. This mid-sized law firm allowed for tremendous freedom of action regarding case management. My duties included all aspects of civil litigation, such as conducting initial client interviews, drafting pleadings and legal briefs, and conducting discovery and trial. I was primarily responsible for client management, timekeeping, billing, and training and supervision of my staff assistant. Areas of practice include real estate law, landlordtenant law, quiet title, foreclosure, other real property and probate litigation, andconsumer litigation. While at the firm, I was involved with several complex multiparty and multi-firm cases.
East Florida Building Industry Association Port Orange
Executive Officer March 1993 to August 1996
I was the Executive Officer (CEO) for the Volusia County-wide non-profit trade association affiliated with the National Association of Homebuilders. During my tenure, the financial stability of the organization was reestablished. I obtained and maintained funding for a three-year, $650,000 legal challenge involving school impact fees, representing the board of directors in the settlement negotiations. As editor and coordinator of all Association communications, the Association won three National AEA Awards for publications and communications. Other duties included payroll, budgeting, computer systems, and employee relations. Responsibilities of this position included coordination of the political action committee, the organization’s legislative programs, and events, including a greatly expanded Parade of Homes. Also, during my tenure, we reviewed and updated all policies and bylaws for the organization. It was an honor to be nominated for the 1995 National Association of Homebuilder’s Executive Officer “Rookie of the Year” Award by the Florida Home Builder’s Association Executive Officer, Carla Roehl.
Daytona Beach Area Association of Realtors, Inc. Holly Hill
Executive Assistant March 1990 to March 1993
I was primarily responsible for a monthly sixteen-page newsletter, monthly four page brief, and numerous other publications. As editor, I managed content, layout, and design of legal forms, policy manuals, annual reports, and brochures. During my tenure, the Association won the 1993 National Association of Realtors Excellence Award in Realtor Association Publications. Other responsibilities included oversight of a significant interoffice computer conversion. The Rapattoni Corporation, a national software developer, adopted the UNIX file structure I designed. My job also included coordinating education and training for office computers and the Multiple Listing Service.
“Death Penalty Designs” Book. Training manual for Capital Appellate Attorneys. Publication June 21, 2024.
“Death Penalty Desired: Passion and Murder” is a fictional novel published in early 2024 and available on Amazon.
“Brucie the One-Eyed Wonder Dog” children’s book, published November 2023.
“The Summer Friend: Surfing, Music, and Growing Up” novelette, published Summer 2023.
“Death Penalty Debates: Is Capital Punishment a Net Positive or a Net Negative” book, published Summer 2023. Also available on audio, and ebook. Death Penalty Debates is included in the reading list at Saratov State Law Academy for the topic “International human rights law” of the course “Theory and Practice of International and Eurasian Law” for the post-graduate studies program “Lawyer in the Area of International and Eurasian Law,” as well as material for extra-curriculum activities at Saratov State Law Academy with students who study English legal terminology and legal argumentation— selected for reading list inclusion in Steven F. Hayward’s graduate public policy class at Pepperdine University.
“Prepare! The Handbook for individual Freedom” book, published 2023.
“Ideas & Answers in Law” book, with contributions by Brian L. Cutler, Danielle M. Rumschik, Dr. Nadejda Lipkina, Dr. K. Michael Reynolds, Mr. John Zak, and Ms. Alexis Nava, published in 2022.
“Florida’s Cost of Incarceration: An Unconstitutional Excessive Fine.” Work in progress, with Dr. Nadejda Lipkina, Dr. K. Michael Reynolds, and Ms. Alexis Nava. Work in progress, 2022.
“Battery by Slight Touch in Florida: What is the law?” with Christopher L. Jenks, M.D. July 1, 2022. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4152131 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4152131 Listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for AARN: Laws & Legislation, AARN: Other Legal Anthropology: Criminal Law, CJRN: Criminal Law and CJRN: Violent Crime on July 18, 2022.
“Facial Recognition in the Courtroom. The Challenges of the Photo and Video Identification Witness in a World of Improving Facial Recognition Technology” with Danielle M. Rumschik and Brian L. Cutler, The Champion, p. 36-38, November, 2021 (published by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers).
“Concealed Carry in a Vehicle: Combining Second Amendment Constitutional protections with Stand Your Ground laws” November 2021. Available at SSRN https://ssrn.com/abstract=3943611 WPS (rewrite and update of earlier 2016 article). Selected for publication by Stetson Journal of Advocacy and the Law, 2022.
“Contradictory Evidence is Insufficient: The Reasoning and Safeguards of the Rule Protecting Innocence” November 2021 Available at SSRN https://ssrn.com/abstract=3943605 (rewrite and update of earlier 2019 article). Listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: LSN: Procedure (Criminal Procedure) on February 2, 2022.
“Florida’s Prove Yourself Innocent Absurdity - The Unresolved Burden of Proof Question in Florida’s Prescription Drug Affirmative Defense.” Stetson Journal of Advocacy and the Law, September 2021. Available at SSRN https://ssrn.com/abstract=3919088
“Identification and Interpretive Testimony from Photo/Video Evidence: The Coming Battle of Experts over Facial Recognition.” With Danielle M. Rumschik and Brian L. Cutler, 20 Appalachian J.L. 59, 59 April 14, 2021, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3826434“The BB Gun: A Harmless Toy or Deadly Weapon? Practical Guidance for Objective Fact Finding in a Criminal Case.” with undergraduate intern John Zak. The American University Washington College of Law Criminal Law Practitioner Vol. 5: Iss. 1, Article 3, August 20, 2019. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3770213 Listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: CJRN: Weapons & Firearms on February 19, 2022.
“Internally Contradictory Evidence Requires Dismissal When it is Uncorroborated and the Sole Basis for Conviction” published Volume 31, Number 2: Summer 2019 issue of The Florida Defender magazine.
“Trial Techniques for a Florida Prosecutor - A Positive Prescription for Ethical Closing Arguments” published in The American Journal of Trial Advocacy, August 20, 2018. American Journal of Trial Advocacy, Vol. 42, No. 151. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3816895
“What Are My Chances on Appeal?” Comparing Full Appellate Decisions to Per Curium Affirmances” published in Volume 18, Issue 2 of The Journal of Appellate Practice and Process, published by the William H. Bowen School of Law, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, August 20, 2017. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3770217
“Applying the Deterrence Rationale of the Exclusionary Rule to the “Good Faith” Exception: A Way Forward.” published in the Spring 2017 issue of The American Journal of Trial Advocacy, Vol. 40, No. 245, August 20, 2016. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3816902 A summary of this article selected for the 2017 UCF Graduate Research Forum.
“Florida Constitutional Concealed Carry in a Vehicle: The Second Amendment Protects the Right of an Individual to Carry a Readily Accessible Handgun in a Private Vehicle in Light of Section 776.013 Florida Statutes (Stand Your Ground) and District of Columbia v Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), Rendering Section 790.25(5) Unconstitutional,” published December 2016 issue of The Florida Defender magazine.