Njoroge Regeru & Company
Arbor House, Arboretum Drive, P.O. Box 46971
00100 GPO
The Kenya arbitration attorney counselors at Njoroge Regeru & Company represent small, medium and large companies as well as independent entrepreneurs in many aspects of arbitration. A Kenya arbitration lawyer adheres to the process of arbitration, which is the procedure by which parties agree to submit their disputes to an independent neutral third party, known as an arbitrator, who considers arguments and evidence from both sides, then hands down a final and binding decision. This alternative, can be used to adjudicate business-to-business, business-to-employee, or business-to-customer disputes.
The Kenya arbitration lawyer advisors use a unique results based approach. Responsiveness and cost benefit efficiency combined with their extensive range of services, sets Njoroge Regeru & Company apart from other law firms, evidenced in their portfolio of longstanding clients and relationships. Njoroge Regeru & Company has an excellent record of proceedings with many favorable results for their clients.
The Kenya arbitration attorney counselors represent business clients in arbitration cases, including:
The Kenya arbitration attorney advisors at Njoroge Regeru & Company pursue the interests of their clients with expertise and determination. Njoroge Regeru & Company’s team of reputable Kenya arbitration lawyers carefully analyze each case seeking the optimal outcome for their clients. For a dedicated Kenya arbitration attorney, Njoroge Regeru & Company to deliver quality representation in the field of arbitration law.