Ogborn Mihm LLP
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 2700
Denver, CO 80203
United States
Ogborn Mihm, LLP is a law firm for clients that need trusted trial lawyers in high-stakes litigation. The Denver whistleblower attorneys at Ogborn Mihm have collectively represented clients in hundreds of jury trials, bench trials and arbitrations. The term "whistleblower" refers to any individual who exposes fraudulent acts or wrongdoing within a public or private organization. Clients will have the confidence of knowing that their case is being handled by an experienced and knowledgeable Denver whistleblower lawyer.
The Colorado whistleblower lawyers at Ogborn Mihm have experience dealing with the statutes that pertain to whistleblower protection including:
The experienced trial lawyers at Ogborn Mihm pride themselves on their commitment to the protection and representation of whistleblowers in Colorado, across the United States, and internationally. Those with the courage to confront their employers, whether through internal or external channels, about wrongful and illegal conduct within the corporate structure, are afforded protection under federal and state law.
The Denver whistleblower attorneys at Ogborn Mihm understand that qui-tam whistleblower litigation can be expensive and the results uncertain. These Denver whistleblower lawyers work with their clients to help them objectively evaluate their cases and determine whether the return on their investment in a lawsuit makes financial sense. These experienced trial lawyers pride themselves on their courtroom skills and their ability to try any whistleblower case, regardless of size or complexity.