Roberts Perryman P.C.
1034 South Brentwood, Suite 2100
St. Louis, MO 63117
United States
Roberts Perryman is an “AV” rated law firm that has been recognized as one of the leaders in providing experienced legal services. At Roberts Perryman, their attorneys do not try to be everything to every client. The firm's focus is limited to five areas:
The firm's clients are trucking companies, employers and insurance companies. Roberts Perryman has devoted the last 50 years to serving their needs.
Industry Expertise
The attorneys at Roberts Perryman are recognized as leading advocates for the industries they represent. Both industry and legal forums frequently invite our attorneys to speak and contribute to educational seminars and events. This is the result the firm's commitment to such organizations as the Missouri and Illinois Trucking Associations, American Trucking Associations, and Council on Litigation Management.
An example of the firm’s commitment to the industries they serve is that all attorneys who handle trucking litigation are licensed to operate commercial motor vehicles. The firm's attorneys are members of various committees and boards serving the insurance as well as the trucking industry.
Firm's Approach
Roberts Perryman understands that effective, quality and cost-efficient legal representation is important to their clients. The attorneys at Roberts Perryman take a hands-on approach to resolving claims before they reach litigation. They will make sure your cases are settled, mediated or tried as soon as practical. They are advocates of alternative dispute resolution and routinely mediate well over 100 claims each year. Roberts Perryman handles your case as if it was their own...because it is.