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When my sons were 8 years old, they asked me to explain what I actually did for a living. After some thought, I told them that I help people solve problems. I get great satisfaction from sitting with clients, listening to their goals and helping them to achieve them.

The essence of what we do is distilled in the phrase “Helping you meet challenges and seize opportunities”. Whether it’s assisting clients in resolving a business dispute or a dispute with their neighbor, working with them to establish a new business, or helping them to take advantage of a new opportunity, our focus is always on what the client wants.

I learned early in my career that what I may believe is a great result doesn’t matter, unless the client also has the same goal. That’s why we begin each case by asking the client a simple question: “What would you like to see happen.” We then work with the client to devise a realistic plan to reach that goal.