David B. Barney
Sklar Williams PLLC
Las Vegas, NV
David B. Barney practices primarily in the areas of general civil and commercial litigation, and has experience in the fields of corporate, healthcare, commercial, and criminal law. Mr. Barney holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from New York University, after having started his college career at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. In 2017, he received his Juris Doctor degree, Cum Laude, from Pepperdine University School of Law, where he served as Associate Editor of the Pepperdine Law Review and won the CALI Award, as the outstanding student in Intellectual Property. Mr. Barney is the author of Trafficking Technology: A Look at Different Approaches to Ending Technology-Facilitated Human Trafficking, 45 PEPP. L. REV. 746 (2018) and Elonis v. United States: Why the Supreme Court Punted on Free Speech, 2016 PEPP. L. REV. 1 (2016). He volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters and is a member of the State Bar of Nevada.
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