Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver, PLC
Harrisonburg, WV
United States
The proven West Virginia unfair competition lawyers at Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver, PLC are experienced in the effective resolution of unfair competition lawsuits as related to business practices in West Virginia. West Virginia unfair competition attorney professionals are knowledgeable in all areas of general unfair competition law, including but not limited to deceptive trade practice claims and invasion of privacy cases in West Virginia, West Virginia. Clients will have the confidence of knowing that the case is being handled by an experienced and knowledgeable West Virginia unfair competition lawyer.
Unfair trade practices include, among others:
West Virginia unfair competition encompasses a variety of practices that cause an economic injury to a business, through a deceptive or wrongful business practice. The most popular example of unfair competition is trademark infringement. The law of unfair competition is mainly governed by common law. In the areas of trademarks, copyrights, and false advertising federal law may apply. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was established by Congress in part to protect consumers from deceptive trade practices.
A local West Virginia unfair competition attorney should be consulted for specific requirements in your area. A West Virginia unfair competition lawyer is professional and knowledgeable in understanding the details, facts, complications, and circumstances that arise in an unfair competition case.
The West Virginia unfair competition attorneys at Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver, PLC are distinguished by a history of successful unfair competition claim recoveries through settlements and verdicts. For experienced representation in an unfair competition dispute, contact the West Virginia unfair competition lawyers at Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver, PLC in West Virginia.