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By: Ynze Kliphuis
Russell Advocaten B.V.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Innovative international entrepreneurs will get more scope and time to establish a business in the Netherlands. To whom does this regulation apply and how can you use it as efficiently as possible?

There will be a special visa for ambitious, creative, and innovative entrepreneurs wishing to start a business in the Netherlands as self-employed professionals. These entrepreneurs will be provided with the opportunity to stay in the Netherlands for a maximum period of one year. During this period, they can set up their company and, for instance, make the necessary contacts and take care of permits. The visa is subject to several conditions:

  • The business aimed at has to be innovative and thus really add something new to the Netherlands Market of products and services. Such an innovation may be the product itself, its production method, its distribution and marketing, or the mode of operation or planning.
  • The starter must be supervised by a reliable organization with a good record of service.
  • During the start-up, the entrepreneur must have sufficient means to be able to set up his business, support himself and live in the Netherlands.

If the project is successful, the visa can be extended and turned into a residence permit for self-employed professionals.

This visa is only necessary for non-EU nationals.


The entrepreneur has just one year to generate sufficient means of support from his business. Therefore, it’s important to get sound advice and take care of as many things as possible in advance. Russell Advocaten gladly provides advice on the possibilities and conditions for starting a business in the Netherlands.

For more information about Russell Advocaten B.V., please visit the International Society of Primerus Law Firms.