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by Karina B. Sterman

Earlier this year, California employers became subject to new workplace regulations pertaining to protections for transgender applicants and employees. These regulations expanded existing protections under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) by, among other things, revising the FEHA to use gender-neutral language, requiring employers to honor an employee’s request to be identified by a preferred gender or pronoun, and prohibiting employers from seeking proof of an applicant’s or employee’s sex, gender or gender identity.

Effective January 1, 2018, employers must also display workplace posters describing the rights of transgender applicants and employees. The posters must be “conspicuously displayed where they can be easily seen and read by all employees and job applicants,” according to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing. The new poster can be downloaded here.

Please contact a member of the Employment Law Group should you have any questions.

Download Poster Here