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Doing Business in Latin America

Presented by: Patricia Barcellos, Julián Felipe Rojas Rodriguez, Marielena Ulloa, Mariano Carricart, & Juan Prado Bustamante

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

12:00 PM EDT


Join Primerus Members from Brazil, Colombia, Honduras, Argentina, and Perú as they discuss topics regarding business in their country of practice including:

  • Who can be a shareholder
  • If foreign currencies are admitted
  • Types of authorizations needed to do business in that country
  • Residency requirements
  • Labor and employment laws
  • Taxes, profit dividends, and shares
  • How the Coronavirus pandemic has changed how business is done

Live Interactive Q&A

Bring/Submit Your Questions

Time will be reserved to answer specific questions from attendees and we encourage those in attendance to come with questions prepared. If you would like specific questions addressed, you are invited to submit questions in advance.


Patricia Barcellos
Terciotti Andrade Gomes Donato Advogados (Belém, Rio de Janeiro, & Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Patricia has 20 years of experience in corporate law, assisting national and international investors in Brazil. She has a strong practice in mergers and acquisitions, contracts and corporate law. Barcellos lived in the US for 4 years, where she became a licensed attorney in the State of Illinois and deepened her studies in M&A consulting.

Fluent in English and Italian, she graduated from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), specialized in Business Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP/FGV) and earned her Master’s degree in Tax Law from the University of São Paulo (USP). She also attended courses at Northwestern University Law School, in Chicago, and obtained an M&A Consultant certification from the De Paul University Alliance for Merger and Acquisition Advisors (AM & AA), in Chicago.

Graduação em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, é especialista em Administração de Empresas pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EASP/FGV) e mestre em Direito Tributário pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Também frequentou disciplinas na Northwestern Law School, Chicago, EUA e obteve a certificação de Consultor de M&A pela Aliança para Conselheiros de Fusões e Aquisições (AM&AA) da De Paul University, Chicago, EUA.

Experiência de 20 anos de prática em consultoria corporativa, assessorando investidores nacionais e internacionais no Brasil, com forte atuação em fusões e aquisições, contratos e legislação societária, tendo residido nos EUA por 4 anos e sendo licenciada como advogada em Illinois.


Julián Felipe Rojas Rodriguez
Pinilla, González & Prieto Abogaos (Bogotá, Colombia)
Julián Felipe Rojas Rodriguez is Manager of the Department of Corporate Law for Pinilla, Gonzalez & Prieto; his main area of practice is related to Civil and Commercial Law, although he currently is managing Labor and Education Law matters. He has worked as lawyer in charge of carrying out activities related to corporate law, such as mergers, acquisitions, incorporation of companies, etc. He currently is in charge of providing advice in Corporate Law Matters regarding mergers, acquisitions, incorporation of companies, secretariats of board of directors; in Contractual Law he advises on the determination and preparation of legal business and acts necessary not only for the development of real estate projects throughout the country, but in general for the participation of clients – national or foreign – of the firm in all the sectors of the economy by involving national and foreign corporate schemes and structures as well as the products offered by the financial or financial services entities. Julian is a lawyer from Universidad Externado de Colombia and specialist in Insurance law of the same University. He speaks English and Spanish.

Julián Felipe Rojas Rodríguez es Gerente del Departamento de Derecho Corporativo de Pinilla, González & Prieto; su principal área de práctica está relacionada con el Derecho Civil y Comercial, aunque actualmente se ocupa de asuntos de Derecho Laboral y Educativo. Ha trabajado como abogado encargado de realizar actividades relacionadas con el derecho corporativo, tales como fusiones, adquisiciones, constitución de sociedades, etc. Actualmente está a cargo de brindar asesoría en Materias de Derecho Corporativo en materia de fusiones, adquisiciones, constitución de sociedades, secretarías de junta directiva; en Derecho Contractual asesora en la determinación y preparación de negocios y actos jurídicos necesarios no solo para el desarrollo de proyectos inmobiliarios en todo el país, sino en general para la participación de clientes - nacionales o extranjeros - de la firma en todos los sectores de la economía al involucrar esquemas y estructuras corporativas nacionales y extranjeras, así como los productos ofrecidos por las entidades financieras o de servicios financieros. Julián es abogado de la Universidad Externado de Colombia y especialista en derecho de Seguros de la misma Universidad. Habla inglés y español.


Marielena Ulloa
Ulloa & Asociados (San Pedro Sula & Tegucigalpa, Honduras)
Degree in Law and Social Sciences - National Autonomous University of Honduras, Title of Lawyer issued by the Supreme Court of Justice, Exequatur of Notary issued by the Supreme Court of Justice No. 1422. Legal Director / Notary Coordinator of the firm Ulloa & Asociados, member of the Honduran Bar Association, Associate CSAP - International Registry of Certified Auditors (England), Practitioner - AccountAbility, England. Certified in the following programs: "Legal Aspects of International Business" (Georgetown University - INCAE) Managua, Nicaragua; "Management Program for Lawyers" Yale School of Management, New Haven, Connecticut; "Global Employer Latin America" Conference, Exhibitor for Honduras, Miami, Florida; Diplomat in Civil Procedural Law, Seminar In House on Transfer Pricing given by Seminarium, Seminar "Revenues and Departures of People", Goods and Means of Transport and Customs infringements and their sanctions, Interpretation of the ISO 9001: 2015, Internal Auditor ISO 19011 with focus on the ISO Standard 9001: 2015. Level: Internal Auditor.

Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Título de Abogado emitido por la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Exequátur de Notario emitido por la Corte Suprema de Justicia No. 1422. Socia Directora / Coordinadora de notario de la firma Ulloa & Asociados, miembro del Colegio de Abogado de Honduras, Associate CSAP - International Registry of Certified Auditors (England), Practitioner - AccountAbility, England. Certificada en los programas de: “Aspectos Legales de los Negocios Internacionales” (Universidad de Georgetown – INCAE) Managua, Nicaragua, Programa “Managment Program for Lawyers” Yale School of Management, New Haven, Connecticut. , Conferencia “Global Employer Latin America”, Expositora por Honduras, Miami, Florida, Diplomado en Derecho Procesal Civil, Seminario In House sobre Precio de Transferencias impartido por Seminarium, Seminario Ingresos y salidas de personas, mercancías y medios de transporte e Infracciones aduaneras y sus sanciones, Interpretación de la Norma ISO 9001:2015, Auditor Interno ISO 19011 con enfoque en la Norma ISO 9001:2015. Nivel: Auditor Interno.


Mariano Carricart
Badeni, Cantilo, Carricart & Bilbao (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Mariano E. Carricart was born in Buenos Aires on November 21, 1972. He graduated from the School of Law and Political Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, in 1996. He received his Masters Degree in International Commercial Law (Banking and Finance) at Nottingham University, Nottingham, Great Britain, 2001. He graduated from the course on Corporate Finance at the Centre for Advanced Studies of the Law in 2003. He completed from the ”Corporate Specialization program”, a Pre-Master Course at Austral University, 1996. He is an Argentine collaborator for the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation and the Oxford University press co-publication of “Doing Business”. He has published a number of articles in specialized law journals. He is a member of the circuit of Seminars for the Masters Degree in Finance: “Legal Aspects of Finance” at CEMA University. He is a Member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires. He is a Member of the International Bar Association. On several occasions, he has been voted among the best lawyers under the age of 40.

Nació en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, el 21 de noviembre de 1972. Abogado egresado de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires,1996.Egresado del Curso de Finanzas Corporativas en el Centro de Estudios de Derecho Profundizado (CEDP), 2003. Egresado del Master of Laws in International Commercial Law (Banking and Finance) de Nottingham University, Nottingham, Reino Unido, 2001. Egresado del curso de Premaster, Programa de Profundización en la Problemática de la Empresa Universidad Austral, 1996. Colaborador argentino para la co-publicación del Banco Mundial, la Corporación Financiera Internacional y Oxford University Press “Doing Business” Understanding Regulation. Ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas especializadas de Derecho. Miembro del ciclo de Seminarios Maestría en Finanzas “Aspecto Legales de las Finanzas” de la Universidad del CEMA. Miembro del Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal. Miembro IBA. Elegido entre los mejores abogados menores de 40 años en reiteradas ocasiones.


Juan Prado Bustamante
Llona & Bustamante Abogados (Lima Perú)
Graduated from Universidad de Lima (1992), with masters’ in Comparative Jurisprudence from New York University (1993) and masters’ in International Banking Law from Boston University (1994). Partner of Estudio Llona & Bustamante Abogados since 2001, he joined the Firm as an associate in 1996. His practice area is centered in corporate and financial law, together with insurance and financial services, having participated in various privatizations and public offerings of state owned enterprises. Likewise, he has been member of the board of the Peruvian Securities Exchange Commission (CONASEV) today (SMV), arbitrator of the Controversies Chamber for the Lima´s Stock Exchange, as well as member of the board of the Lima´s Stock Exchange Clearinghouse (Cavali ICLV S.A) and presently for other companies in the country.

Abogado por la Universidad de Lima (1992) con maestría en Jurisprudencia Comparada por New York University (1993) y con maestría en Derecho Bancario Internacional por Boston University (1994). Socio de Estudio Llona & Bustamante Abogados desde el año 2001, se unió a la firma como asociado en el año 1996. Su práctica profesional se concentra en las areas de derecho corporativo y financiero, así como de seguros y servicios financieros, habiendo participado en diversas licitaciones y privatizaciones de empresas. Asimismo ha desempeñado los cargos de director de la Comisión Nacional Supervisora de Empresas y Valores (CONASEV) hoy SMV, arbitro de la Cámara de Controversias de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima, así como de la institución de compensación y liquidación del valores Cavali ICLV S.A. y de diversas empresas en el país.