Broedermann Jahn
ABC-Straße 15
20354 Hamburg
Broedermann Jahn has extensive experience in commercial banking matters (consulting and litigation), both from the viewpoint of the bank and of its business partners. For investment banking Broedermann Jahn assists its clients in the choice of the right partner.
In some cases the firm itself has organised an auction, in others it has done so in cooperation with a bank owned M&A-advisor (e.g., the auction of a plant in the area of renewable energy). Among Broedermann Jahn’s clients there are various banks (including two of Germany’s large banks). Furthermore, Broedermann Jahn has excellent relationships with a number of banks in Germany and abroad which have proven to be useful in structuring or carrying out transactions.
Broedermann Jahn also assists commercial clients in negotiations and settlement agreements with banks in mediation (Ombudsmann-Procedures) or litigation where banks are involved.