Landye Bennett Blumstein LLP Address 701 West Eighth Avenue Suite 1100 Anchorage, AK 99501 United States Contact Benjamin W. Spiess / Joshua D. Hodes 907.276.5152
Philip Blumstein 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Business Organization Law, Civil Litigation Law, Construction Law, Corporate Organization Law, Debtor and Creditor Law, Environmental Law, Government Relations Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Municipal Law, Real Estate Development Law, Real Estate Transactions Law
Lauren Sommer Boskofsky 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Business Law, Business Organization Law, Corporate Organization Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Real Estate Law
Michelle L. Boutin 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Bankruptcy Law, Civil Litigation Law, Construction Law, Debtor and Creditor Law
Jennifer M. Coughlin 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Administrative Law, Appellate Practice Law, Civil Litigation Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Insurance Litigation Law, Labor and Employment Law
Anna C. Crary 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Business Organization Law, Civil Litigation Law, Corporate Organization Law, Environmental Law, Fisheries Law, Housing Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Insurance Litigation Law, Labor and Employment Law, Municipal Law, Property Damage Law
Andy B. Erickson 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Appellate Practice Law, Environmental Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources Law
Joshua D. Hodes 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Business Law, Business Organization Law, Construction Law, Corporate Organization Law, Estate Planning and Probate Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Real Estate Law
Robert H. Hume Jr. 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Business Organization Law, Corporate Organization Law, Debtor and Creditor Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Real Estate Law
Doug A. Karet 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Business Law, Civil Litigation Law, Construction Law, Real Estate Law
Karl A. Kaufman 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Business Organization Law, Corporate Organization Law, Estate Planning and Probate Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Tax Law, Wills, Estates and Trusts Law
Alexander J. Kubitz 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Civil Litigation Law, Environmental Law, Housing Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Natural Resources Law, Real Estate Law
Joseph N. Levesque, Of Counsel 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Civil Litigation Law, Labor and Employment Law, Municipal Law, Trusts and Estates Law
Matt J. Mead 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Administrative Law, Business Organization Law, Civil Litigation Law, Corporate Organization Law, Environmental Law, Fisheries Law, Government Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Labor and Employment Law, Municipal Law
Bruce A. Moore 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Appellate Practice Law, Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Business Organization Law, Civil Litigation Law, Corporate Organization Law, Debtor and Creditor Law, Indians and Native Populations Law
Jackson N. Morawski 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Business Law, Business Organization Law, Civil Litigation Law, Corporate Organization Law, Housing Law, Labor and Employment Law, Municipal Law, Real Estate Law
Leslie R. Need 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Appellate Practice Law, Business Law, Business Organization Law, Civil Litigation Law, Corporate Organization Law, Environmental Law, Fisheries Law, Housing Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Insurance Litigation Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources Law, Property Damage Law, Utility Law
Benjamin W. Spiess 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Business Law, Business Organization Law, Corporate Organization Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Real Estate Law
Noah Star 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Administrative Law, Civil Litigation Law, Government Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Municipal Law
John M. Starkey 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Appellate Practice Law, Civil Litigation Law, Fisheries Law, Indians and Native Populations Law
River E.M. Sterne 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Alaska Native Law, Civil Litigation Law, Environmental Law, Fisheries Law, Natural Resources Law
Ryan J. Thomas 907.276.5152 Anchorage, AK Languages spoken English Practice Areas Business Law, Indians and Native Populations Law, Real Estate Law