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Boston Non-Compete Lawyer

The Boston law firm Rudolph Friedmann LLP represents employers and employees in non-compete and non-competition agreements. Whether you are an employer seeking to implement effective non-compete agreements or an employee evaluating the enforceability of an existing agreement, our legal team specializes in interpreting, negotiating, and litigating non-compete agreements, ensuring our clients’ interests are safeguarded.

Experienced Boston Non-Competition Agreement Lawyer

A non-compete agreement, alternatively referred to as a non-compete clause or covenant not to compete, is a binding legal agreement established between an employer and an employee. Its primary purpose is to limit the employee's capacity to partake in competitive business endeavors after the conclusion of their employment.

The firm’s experienced non-compete agreement lawyers assist clients in Boston and throughout Massachusetts in matters involving:

  • Non-Compete Agreements
  • Non-Competition Clauses
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Contract Interpretation
  • Litigating Non-Compete Agreements
  • Non-Compete Agreement Enforceability

Contact Our Boston Non-Compete Agreement Attorneys

When it comes to enforcing or challenging the validity of non-compete agreements in Boston, our non-compete agreement attorneys at Rudolph Friedmann LLP help to ensure you have the necessary expertise by your side. With our in-depth knowledge of non-competition agreements, our legal team can guide you through the complexities. Whether you are considering accepting such an agreement, are facing the challenges of its enforceability, or are an employer seeking to implement and/or enforce such an agreement, our expertise ensures that your rights are protected and that you make informed decisions for your specific circumstances.

To speak with an experienced non-compete agreement attorney call Managing Partner Jim Rudolph at 617.723.7700 or contact us online.