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Finding the Best Lawyer
for You
As we all know from experience, it's
impossible to be successful in today's
legal industry without innovation. In
addition to being educated about the
latest developments in his or her area
of legal expertise, today's lawyer must
also stay on the cutting edge of the latest
technology and business practices to offer
clients better service, higher quality work
product and more efficiency and value for
their money. Success depends on it, and
clients not only demand it, but deserve it.
Those values ­ excellent client
service, quality work product and good
value ­ have been and will always be
at the heart of Primerus. In fact, for 20
years, Primerus has been setting the
standard by developing innovative ways
to deliver better client service.
I founded Primerus in order to restore
honor and dignity to the legal profession
and to help rebuild the public's trust in
lawyers and the judicial system ­ and
what's more critical to client service than
Every client deserves to work
with an attorney who has his or her best
interest in mind, not their firm's bottom
line. A trusted attorney puts the client's
interests ahead of his or her own and
truly cares about the client as not only a
client, but a person.
Starting with that foundation,
Primerus has developed one of the most
valuable services to clients available in
today's legal market ­ helping them find
just the right lawyer for their needs. The
most important decision a client must
make in avoiding legal problems in the
future, or resolving one that has occurred,
is finding the right lawyer, with the right
skills, in the right location, and at the
right cost.
Fortunately, Primerus does exactly
that. With a membership of nearly 200
firms in over 40 countries, we offer clients
access to the world's finest attorneys. Our
research department does the hard work
of searching for and screening excellent
lawyers everywhere in the world. But
then we go a step further by working
individually with clients to find the right
lawyer. Our innovative Corporate Client
Department is dedicated to helping
companies find lawyers who are expertly
skilled to meet their needs. If clients
cannot find what they are looking for
on our website, or if they simply don't
have the time to look, a quick email or
phone call to Primerus will do the job
for them. Whenever possible, we will
connect clients with a Primerus member,
but because of our global connections, if
Primerus doesn't have a member who can
help them, we will work our connections
to find another lawyer who can.
There is not another organization in
the world that offers this service. There
are many directories of lawyers and
law firms, some of which do some peer
review screening, but none offers a free,
personalized service to the public with
a dedicated staff to help them find and
select the right lawyer for their business
anywhere in the world.
You can read more about our
innovation in client service on page 5.
But don't take my word for it, read the
thoughts of some clients who now look
primarily to Primerus for their legal
needs. If we haven't already, we look
forward to partnering with you very soon
in your quest for excellent lawyers and
client service.
President's Podium
John C. Buchanan
Whenever possible, we will connect clients with a Primerus member,
but because of our global connections, if Primerus doesn't have a member who can help them,
we will work our connections to find another lawyer who can.