acting in their individual capacity, considering that the director's actions have affected them directly, therefore causing damages during the performance of their duties to personal interests of the formers. action, the interests of the corporation are excluded by means of this new version of the direct action. Also, any attempt of trying to seek damages must be pursued through the derivative action. The want to bear the directors liable, according to article 16 of the Bill Project, for their actions if they were detrimental or caused harm to the company. its authorization needs to be approved by the majority of the shareholders of the cor- poration in the form of a general assembly decision. Whenever no special majority is established in the company's bylaws, the default rule for this kind of corporate deci- sions is 50 percent plus one vote. Besides the attempt to fix the numerous practical problems of the current social and individual actions, the innovative proposal of the Bill Project is the importation to the different existing alternatives from the U.S. legal system, of the well-known derivative action. been initiated) to protect those minority majority approval required to activate the social action, but still considering that the directors have damaged the corporation, thus, filing the lawsuit on its behalf. The derivative action could only be filed by a person who was a shareholder of the corporation at the time the acts or omissions where executed by the alleged liable director, exceptions authorized by law. not contemplated in the other two actions, which is that the claim can be used by an individual shareholder, on behalf of the corporation, to prevent the detrimental conduct of the director with the purpose of avoiding the "occurrence of an imminent damage to the company." the minority shareholders' misconduct, reckless or wrong use of this new legal instrument, they will be held liable for the director's legal fees, litigations costs and any other damages caused to the them or the corporation if their derivative suit is frivolous, they use it to holdup the company or for any other detrimental purposes. withdrew the Bill Project No. 70 of 2015 so that it could be amended and adjusted. However, we are expecting that the new text maintains intact the scope of the actions we have discussed. Directors, FIFTH. ED. VOLUME II, 1380 (1998) (quoting Kamen v. Kemper Fin. Servs., Inc., 500 U.S. 90, 95 (1991), and Hawes v. City of Oakland, 104 U.S. 450, 453 (1881)). 5 BILL PROJECT NO. 70 OF 2015. ARTICLE 32. which it is aimed to correct the damages directly suffered by an shareholders, partner or a third party by reason of the manager's actions, the affected persons may demand their personal liability pursuant to article 16 of this law, through an individual action, provided that said damages do not correspond to those that can be requested through the derived action. 7 BILL PROJECT NO. 70 OF 2015. ARTICLE 26. harm suffered by the company as a consequence of the managers' actions, the company may demand, through a collective action, their responsibility pursuant to the provisions of article 16 of this law. In order to initiate the collective action of responsibility, the authorization of the general assembly of shareholders or partners shall be obtained. action of responsibility has not been initiated, any associate may petition for the derived action in order to correct the damages suffered by the company as a consequence of the managers' actions. In these cases, the action will be filed by the plaintiff in the name of the company. ACTION. The plaintiff must have had the capacity as associate when the facts or omissions that give rise to the liability occurred or must have acquired said capacity subsequently, by operation of the law, (...). the same action in case of avoiding the occurrence of an imminent damage to the company. |