Disclose Beneficial Owners to Brazil enacted by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (Instrução Normativa RFB 1.634) ("IN 1634" any individual or entity residing or headquartered abroad) investing in Brazil must disclose their final beneficial owner(s) to Brazilian authorities. Under Brazilian regulations, any entity headquartered abroad and that owns certain assets in Brazil must be registered with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service. Upon registration, each entity receives a specific CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pesso a Juridica) number. it applies to any foreign entity that owns: Brazil, including subsidiaries of foreign entities). activities: lease (arrendamento simples); or destined to be incorporated as capital in Brazilian companies; than Brazilian Reais) with banks in Brazil, receiving and delivering Reais in the settlement of foreign exchange transactions. registration, such entities will now have to disclose their respective final beneficial owner(s). This obligation will a senior associate at Barcellos Tucunduva Advogados. He is an expert in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, banking, financial and capital markets and compliance. Alameda Itu, 852-9º e 10º andares 01421-001 São Paulo, Brazil btlaw.com.br Almeida Vieira |