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Legal Traps for Unwary College Students
and their Parents
Jim Rudolph, page 8
Social Media:
What Corporate Counsel Must Know
Reinier W.L. Russell & Michele Stutz, page 42
The History of Franchising in Panama
Ileana Cespedes, page 54
New York's Expedited Procedure for Collecting on
a Note or Default Judgment
Harry Beatty & Joshua Katz, page 10
The German Green Card Is Blue
Thomas Schwab, page 46
The Supreme Courts of Justice in Mexico and the United
Mario Melgar-Adalid, page 56
Strategic Considerations Relating to Effective Enforcement
in the United States of Commercial Money Judgments
Imposed by Courts in Other Countries
Stephen D. R. Taylor, page 12
The Finnish Regulatory Framework for Foreign Insurers
Tiina Ashorn, page 48
Limiting Your Exposure to Winter ­
Avoid the Liabilities Inherent with Snow and Ice
Todd Zimmerman, page 14
Crowdfunding: What You Need to Know
Melissa Demorest, page 16
Hiring and Firing Local and Foreign
Employees in China
Caroline Berube & Deborah Loedt, page 60
The Brazilian Civil Code and The Bona Fides Principle
Eduardo Montenegro Serur, page 52
The Rising Tide of Obesity:
Managing Your Risk as an Employer
Sarah Scott, page 18
Repatriating Dividends from China-based Investments
Edward Sun, page 62
A Business' Obligations Under the
Identity Theft Protection Act
Richard Simon, page 20
Oppression of Shareholders, Good Faith and
the Duty of Loyalty
Richard Rosen & Tim Muller, page 22
Agricultural Contract Clauses for Supplying
Energy Crops to the Biofuels Industry
William Mason & Brittany Brent Smith, page 24
An Offer You Can't Refuse?
DOs and DON'Ts of Selling or Buying a Business
Michael Henry, page 27
W I N T E R 2 0 1 3
The Primerus Paradigm ­ Winter 2013
North America, pages 8-41
Europe, Middle East & Africa, pages 42-51
Asia Pacific, pages 60-64
Latin America & Caribbean, pages 52-59